Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 1-2 - Bed rest??!!??!!

Day 1 – Fri, Nov 19 - 25 wks 4 days -
Well day 1 of bed rest was a whirlwind of activity/tears/denial/stress/more tears/panic/tests/even more tears.  I never thought that when I woke up on Friday, November 19th @ 6:30 that I would be admitted into a hospital room by 10:00 for two weeks.

It all started with pressure...pressure in my lower abdomen, some pressure when I sat, etc...  Nothing bad, just a little bit of uncomfortable pressure at the end of the day.  I have had it off and on for about 3 weeks or so.  The last sonogram on Nov 11th showed that Cortlandt was pretty low but nothing to worry about.  She looked great...everything looked great.  Well, after two long days of teaching this past Wed and Thurs I decided to call my OB.  I was pretty much on my feet all day Wed and Thurs.  By the end of the day, when I finally sat down, it felt as if I was sitting on Cortlandt's head, or a big bump on the seat of the chair.  Not a good feeling and a little freaky.  So I called Dr. Watkins and talked to her nurse, Lesley.  Lesley then talked to Dr. Watkins and then called me back.  It was decided that I would go in on Friday to get a sono and just see if anything is going on.  Since Dr. Watkins does not see patients on Fridays, a Dr. Albert (who is a high-risk doctor) was going to see me at 8:15 am.  So I found a substitute and honestly thought I would get there, all would be great, go home and have a day to do laundry and stuff...not quite...

So on Friday morning, I woke up and went to see Dr. Albert.  We did a sono, all looked great.  Cortlandt measured fantastic, 75th percentile…her heart and lungs and brain all looked great.  I looked great, uterus, placenta, all of it.  He then sonogrammed my cervix.  It looked great and measured great as well.  THEN he pressed down on my lower abdomen and that changed EVERYTHING!!!  It was the oddest thing I think I have seen.  I saw my cervix, which at that point looked like a rectangle with a line drawn down the middle, long wise, shrink and spread out.  Over half of it opened up and “coned” as they called it.  The end was still closed, but the part attached to my uterus opened up and thinned out which made the cervix shrink.  This my friends is NOT a good thing…  He did it two more times and the same thing happened again.  Soooo, 2 weeks in the hospital on bed rest is the start and then more then likely home bed rest until Cortlandt comes.

I was in shock…total, complete shock!!!  I called Joey and told him what I was told, he was in shock, but honestly admitted that he had an idea it might happen knowing my past experience with Liam’s pregnancy.  Well I didn’t know and I was freaking out.  I then called my Mom and then Courtney.  By the time Court answered the shock had worn off and the tears began to fall…so did the panic of leaving my students and not being ready for a sub.  YES, my first thought was not for Cortlandt, I knew she was great, but for my students and classroom.  I think I am a little Type A when it comes to teaching.

By 10:00 I was in my room, hooked up to a monitor to listen to her heartbeat and watch for contractions.  Like I said before, all was looking good on that front.  Joey and his Dad were on their way home from the farm and Liam was with my Mom, so that left me in the room alone.  Not fun when you are an already emotional preggo…Now I was an emotional preggo who was just informed I might be on bed rest for 15 weeks, 2 of which would be in the hospital!!!

So the rest of the day was a blur of nurses, monitors, family members, and phone calls.  My Mom brought Liam to visit.  I was a little nervous how he would do, but he had fun playing in my room and going to get me ice and water.  But by 7:30 all family members had left to go home (including Joey who was sick with that pretty stomach bug and did not want to get me sick).  So everyone left and I was alone…needless to say more tears followed and sleep was a joke…

Day 2 – Sat, Nov 20 - 25 wks 5 days -
Hospital beds are horrible!!!  Do they really think anyone can sleep on them, really??!!??  And they think I can do that for 14 nights???? Ohhhh my back hurt, my head hurt, it pretty much just sucked…the whole night sucked.  But it was a new day, the start of day 2…

It started off with breakfast (I forgot how interesting hospital food could be), then I was hooked up for 30 min to monitor Cortlandt and to see if I was having any contractions (Cortland looked great and no contractions).  My wonderful brothers made the morning for me when they brought me some yummy contraband (in a pretty red cup with a funky green logo on it).  I had a handful of visitors, mostly family today.  Jaymie, a good friend from school, came by and brought me more Starbucks, a magazine, some peanut M&M’s and the best part, Twilight to watch =) It was great having the company and just to hang out, even if it was in a hospital room.  Joey came by for most of the afternoon, but had to head home to take a nap before heading into work at 7 that night.  My Mom brought Liam by again, which made me sooo happy.  It really sucks being away from home, but not being with Liam and Joey is the worst part of this hospital bed rest thing.  It’s different when they leave for the farm together for the weekend, or when Joey is in Austin for an Army weekend and my Mom keeps Liam for a night, but knowing that Joey is at home and Liam is with my Mom and I am stuck in the hospital is a horrible feeling...can’t begin to describe the loneliness…

But on a brighter side, I got an egg crate thing for my bed which made it soooo much more comfortable =)  I had high hopes for night #2 when it came to the sleeping part.  There were less tears, which was good, and like I hoped, a lot more sleep =)

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