Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 9 - 26 wks, 5 days - What is bed rest like???

I am amazed by how many people think that bed rest is just sitting in bed, watching tv, taking naps and playing on the computer.  Yes and no.  For right now, bed rest is a lot of watching tv, taking naps, and playing on the computer, is also a lot of moving around to un-numb my rear and un-cramp my knees.  Moving from the bed, to the window bench, and back to the bed.  I do this back and forth routine to let the part of the bed that will forever hold the impression of my rear, try to fluff itself back up before I sit there again and make the impression bigger and to also de-numb my rear...fuuuuun times...
The bed with the huge impression of my rear.
It never really goes back to normal.
The window bench/seat thing.
Bed rest is also not just sitting in bed (as in crisscross or back straight), it's actually laying back in bed.  The only time I am really allowed to sit up straight is when I eat or take a bath and even then I have the nurse reminding me that I should not be sitting like that.  The reason for this is because laying back in bed keeps gravity off of Cortlandt and hence off of my cervix.  Laying back can actually make using the computer a little difficult at times as well as your arms really tired while you are reading and such.  Sooo when I am sitting on that window bench, I have like 4 pillows propped behind me and one under my rump so it will not go numb on me.  I really am amazed at how easily your rear can go numb when you sit on it all day...Yes, the weirdest things amaze me some days...

As for reading, I am thoroughly enjoying Harry Potter Book 7 for the second time (hope to make it to the dollar movie to see the movie once Cortlandt has come) as well as all the magazines my friends and family have brought me.  I am also slowly making progress with my cross-stitching =)  I finished the letter "L" today and am going to work on "T" tomorrow (I'm starting in the middle of the name to make sure I have enough fabric on either end).

Bed rest is also getting to look out my gorgeous window view...

...though I have seen some pretty sunsets...

...and wearing compression leggings some days.

But, it is also getting to cuddle with Liam which is my favorite part!!!

I do sneak in some walking around the room time when I have to use the restroom or wash my hands...
26 wks, 5 days
Probably one of the most horrific pictures I have ever seen of myself
but I needed a new belly picture so this will have to do.

And the reason for all of this is to keep this beautiful little girl in me as long as possible!!!
Cortlandt, 25 wks, 4 days

1 comment:

  1. This was totally a question I had! Bed rest sounds crazy! Hang in there girl.

