Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 7 - 26 wks, 3 days - Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Words cannot begin to explain how thankful I am this Thanksgiving.  I am always thankful at Thanksgiving time but more so this year.  It is amazing how in one second everything can change...change for the worst…change for the better...just change.  After everything that has happened over the past 6 days there are SOOO many things I am thankful for...

I am thankful for...

God and our Our Savior Jesus Christ – for all they have given me and blessed me and my family with.

My wonderful husband – without him, I cannot imagine going on in this world.  He is my soul mate, my best friend, my everything.

My wonderful son – I never knew a love like the love I feel for him.  He is one of the best things that ever happened to Joey and me.

My wonderful daughter – for being the one constant wonderful thing in these crazy bed rest days and for being the other best thing that has ever happened to Joey and me.

Wonderful family – those with us today and those who have gone to be with our Lord.  For all their unconditional love and support in my life, especially when things are crazy like they have been these past 6 days.  The support they have shown Joey, Liam and I us unbelievable and so incredibly appreciated.

Wonderful friends  - those old, new, and everyone in between.  I truly have some of the best friends in the world and WOW have they shown Joey, Liam and I such love and support these past 6 days!

Health – For the health of my family and friends and for the constant and continuous health of my children and husband.

The doctors and nurses who have taken care of me the past 6 days.

For the little things...
-   Liam’s smile and laugh – it just makes my day!!!
-   Cortlandt’s heartbeat – hearing it 2 times a day is a blessing I sure will miss when this hospital stay is over.
-   Coffee – for keeping me sane on most mornings, afternoons, evenings…pretty much whenever.
-   Balloons and flowers – it’s amazing how they can brighten up a room.
-   Sunrises/sunsets – their beautiful colors and awe inspiring beauty draws me in every time.
-   New hospital beds - Ohhh how I look forward to sleeping in this bed.  Fingers crossed it solves all my back and sleep issues since I have been admitted.

The list can go on and on and on...

Even though I was confined to a hospital bed/room, Thanksgiving Day was wonderful!  I was blessed with the gift of family and friend visits, 3 helpings of Thanksgiving dinner and 2 cups of Starbucks coffee =)  Plus being able to actually watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade for the first time in years (I am usually making pies when it is on).

I hope all who read this had as blessed a Thanksgiving Day as I had!!!

So, from my tiny piece of heaven to yours, Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!

All my love and hugs!!!


This is the bed.  Soooo excited to sleep in it tonight!!!

Liam, his Bobie and Aunt M

Liam playing with a blown-up hospital glove.

Our official Thanksgiving family picture.  The best we could do
from a hospital bed =)

The sunset from my hospital window.
The picture does not do it justice at all.
It was soooo pretty!!!

My Mamama, aka Donna Reed,
making her famous mashed potatoes
while wearing her pearls =)

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