Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 6 - 26 wks, 2 day - Stable =)

So I have come to really like the word "stable"...

stable: not changing or fluctuating : unvarying <in stable condition>

According to Dr. Albert I am stable.  The appointment this morning went pretty well in my opinion.  He did a quick sono of Cortlandt and then measured my cervix and said I am stable.  We are assuming that my cervix is still coning, but we do not know for sure.  He did not want to put any pressure on it and mess up an progress we have made as of yet. I will see him again next Wednesday for a more thorough sono of Cortlandt and of my cervix.

Dr. Watkins came by to see me next.  We chatted for a while, she asked me some questions and then she listened to my heart...I now have an appointment with an internist next week. No panicking needed but I might have a heart murmur.  The day nurse was listening to my heart this morning and thought she heard a heart murmur.  She came back a few minutes later with a different pair of stethoscopes and listened again and still heard the swooshing sound.  So, when Dr. Watkins came by she mentioned it to her and yep, Dr. Watkins heard it too.  I find it kind of funny that at day 6 in the hospital after having my heart listened to 2-3 times a day, we are only now hearing this Watkins is thinking that it might just be a murmur brought on by the pregnancy and leave with the pregnancy.  But, my Mom has had one her whole life so maybe it is something more.

What the letters look like.

The beginning of the letter "L"

The majority of the afternoon was spent reading, watching Friends episodes and cross-stitching.  Yes, I am cross-stitichng.  The last time I cross-stitched was when I was on bed rest with Liam, so I thought it was fitting to start it up again =)  This time I am making Cortlandt's name, which I will then frame for her room.  I made my name using these same letters when I was in high school and it is in my old room at my Mom's house.  So I am excited for Cortlandt to have one too!

Since Joey did not have to work tonight, he did not sleep all day like usual.  He was able to spend the good majority of the late afternoon and evening with me, which was nice.  Lisa and Jimmy came by for a quick visit and brought me a Starbucks...Do my friends know me or what ;-)  Then Amy and Shaun came by with a little basket of magazines, crossword puzzles, snacks and a nice cold root beer (they really do know me!!!).

Liam came by with my Mom and we ordered pizza, another YUMM!!!  Liam continues to has a blast in this room, glad one of us is ;-)  So we watched Beauty and the Beast, ate pizza and made many a trip to the ice maker to get ice for Mommy.  Here are some pics from our fun evening...

Joey enjoying the window seat/bed thing.

Mimimi and Liam

Mommy and Liam cuddling in bed
Joey took Liam home so Liam could finally sleep at home for the first time since Thursday night (this made Mommy very happy) and my Mom stayed for the night (again made me very happy to have company for once).  Currently, she is giving me a pedicure and it is heaven!!!  Someone should really come up with a business that comes to hospitals and gives pedicures/manicures to bed ridden pregnant women.  BELIEVE ME I would sooooo pay for that!!!

Goodnight for now and Happy early Thanksgiving!!!



  1. I've been following your FB posts and wanted to let you know I been sending you good thoughts! My Dr. thought she saw a funnel with my first baby but after the lab test, everything turned out ok. I can't imagine what it's like being stuck there, but we do what we need to for our babies!

    (And I've totally wanted to pick up cross stitching. What a great time to get some crafting done!)

    Best always,
    Heather (O'Brien)

  2. Thank you Heather for your good thoughts!!! I highly recommend cross-stitching. It's a lot of fun and kind of calming. Though the only time I get to actually do it is during bed rest since I'm not able to run around after Liam.

    Thank you again for the positive thoughts!!!

