Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 8 - 26 wks, 4 days - One week down!!!

One week down...One week down!!!!  ONE WHOLE WEEK DOWN!!! may more weeks in the hospital to go???

That my friends, is a question I sooo wish I knew the answer to.  One thing I can tell you is that the past 8 days been a whirlwind of emotions!!!  I still look back on Friday and think "my gosh that was insane!!!".  I went to the doctor for a quick check and ended up in the hospital on bed rest.  It is crazy to think about but in my world, I guess it is kind of normal...Normal as in I have never known a pregnancy without bed rest.  So I have decided that bed rest is my "normal" pregnancy.  I know that no one has a "normal/textbook" pregnancy, but still, I wanted a shot at one.  One where I would be able to teach during my whole pregnancy.  Be able to get things ready for my substitute, get my classroom and kiddos ready to have someone other then me to be in there teaching for 6-8 weeks.  Be able to show off my belly at school through the entire pregnancy.  I was so hoping that this pregnancy was going to be a normal.  It had all the indications from the start of being pretty did that charge fast.  I guess that this is my "normal"...Bed rest is my "normal" kind of pregnancy.  8 weeks of bed rest with Liam's pregnancy and now bed rest from week 25 until Cortlandt comes.  Yep, thinking this is my kind of normal...hmmm...

Okay, enough of my random thoughts for today =)

I had a wonderful surprise today when Allison and Emmie Lau came by for a visit.  I have been lucky enough to teach both of the Lau kiddos =)  I think at first Emmie was a bit overwhelmed about the whole hospital thing.  She did walk in right as they strapped me to the monitor, so that was probably not the best first impression of Mrs. Coates' hospital stay.  But after about 30 min she was cuddled up next to me on the bed watching cartoons while her Mom and I got to talk.  It was a wonder full visit and soooo showed me just how lucky I am for meeting such great parents and students through my teaching.  It also reminded me just how much I am going to miss not being there with my kiddos =(  I also lucked out and got to see my Mamama and Aunt Patty for a time this afternoon.

The rest of the day was left to me cross-stitching (I will post a pic tomorrow), watching Serendipity and The Sand Lot (two of my all-time favorite movies).

Ohhh and I actually got to partake in Black Friday!!!  Well, I sent my mom out but she used my debit card, so does that count???  I figured that since I was going to be in bed for weeks on end I needed some new PJ's.  So off to Old Navy my Mom went and out she came with 5 PJ pants and 6 tanks for under $50.  Think I'm set for the duration of this pregnancy =)

So I'm going to end this post with a quote from Serendipity.  This has to be one of my favorite quotes and it's funny how fitting it is to me at the moment...

Life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences,
but rather it’s a tapestry of events that culminate
in an exquisite sublime plan.

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