Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 17 - 27 wks, 6 days - Looks like I'm going home =)

Yes, you read that right, I am going home tomorrow!!!!  Man that is such a great thing to say =)

THANK YOU again for all of your prayers over the past 17 days!  Believe me they have worked!!!  We still have a long road ahead, 12 more weeks of bed rest to be exact.  If I make it 12 more weeks, that will put me at full term, Feb 28th.  That is obviously my goal but a little un-realistic in my opinion.  Liam was 2 weeks early so we were already thinking Cortlandt would most likely be as well.  My first bed rest goal is to make it 8 more weeks.  That will put me at 36 weeks, Jan 31st, which means no NICU for Cortlandt when she comes =)  Really 35 weeks would mean no NICU, but I want to be super sure, so 36 weeks it is.  My second bed rest goal is to make it each additional week after that.  As long as I follow the bed rest that I have been doing here in the hospital, I know I will make it!!!

I know that last statement will be hard.  The temptation to do little things around the house, decorate for Christmas, make Liam dinner, take a longer shower, est. will be there.  But the consequences of those little things would mean one big bad thing and I am not about to let that happen to Cortlandt.  SHE is my main priority, not my only priority, but my main priority.  I know I can do this!  I know it will be hard for me...heck we all know this will be hard for me...but I can do it!  It's for the health of my daughter =)

Well I end this post with another THANK YOU for all your prayers, good thoughts, love and support for Joey, Liam, Cortlandt and myself.  I truly have the best family and friends around.  Man, I sure am one lucky person!!!

HUGS and LOVE!!!



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