Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 30 - 29 wks, 5 days - Home for Christmas!!!

Well I officially made the 2 more weeks at home cut =)  I was nervous this time around, seeing as how in 2 weeks I dilated and shrunk, to put it in easy terms. Yesterday was a LONG morning of waiting.  Well it felt a lot longer than it was seeing as how the nurse called me around 11:00.  But still, I was nervous so time went really slowly.  Anyway, she called, said the test was negative and I was good to stay home for 2 more weeks...That means Christmas is 100% at HOME!!!

My next appointment is on Dec 30th.  We will do another sono to measure stuff, as well as do another FFN test.  We will go from there if I get two more weeks at home or get to call the hospital home until I am 32 weeks, which will only be about 2 weeks. 

Thank you for the continued prayers!!!  I know they are helping to keep Cortlandt safe and sound right where she is =)

The other highlight of yesterday was that it was Liam's first day to wear big boy undies to school!!!  I sent him in his outfit as well as 2 changes of cloths.  I am happy to report that he made it all day without having to be changed =)  I was soo very impressed with him.  He was even happy about it, as he announced when he got home that "Me have no accident today Mommy!  Me very big boy!"  It was sooo cute!!!

Today, Courtney came by, brought me coffee and queso, I know funny combo but soooo good!!!  She also brought me some Christmas gifts from people at school, sooo made my day =)  Joey, Liam and Papa (Joey's Dad) are going to the farm later today through Monday, so my Mom will be staying the night tonight.

Ohhh and the best part of the whole weekend will be that my dear hairdresser is making a house call to cut my hair tomorrow morning!!!  I have known Andrew since I was like 6 or 7 years old.  He has seen my brother and I grow up, been invited to graduations, showers (baby and wedding) and weddings (both his and mine).  He is a dear family friend and just an all around awesome guy!!!  He came by and visited me twice at the hospital, and one of the times I joked that he might have to make a hospital call to cut my hair.  Little did I know that he actually would, though it is now a house call.  Sooo I will have cute hair for Christmas and my shower on Jan 8th.  I am so looking forward to getting an inch or two cut off and having the bob re-shaped and I will post pictures tomorrow =)

The OTHER highlight, yes I know there are a lot, was my Mom delivering my Christmas Scentsy scents last night.  Now, my house smells like Christmas Cottage and Cozy YUMMY!!!  I highly recommend getting a Scentsy, especially if you are like me and are bad at remembering to blow out candles :-S.  Plus, I only have 2 Scentsy going and my entire house smells like Christmas.  Did I say my house smells so YUMMY??!!??!!

Well that is all for today!

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!!

HUGS and love from the yummy Christmas smelling land of bed rest ;-)


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