Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 18 - 28 wks - I'M HOME!!!

I AM HOME!!!  17 1/2 days of hospital bed rest and I was able to come home.  Now the challenge of 12 weeks of home bed rest begins.  And YES, I admit it, this WILL be a challenge!  I already had to fight the urge to fluff the Christmas tree, empty the dishwasher, open the 4 boxes of Christmas decorations that need to be put out, make myself something to eat...and the list goes on and on.  BUT, I am happy to report that I did not let myself do any of the above motioned things as well as anything not mentioned =)  Joey put Liam on "Mommy Duty".  It is his job to make sure I stay on the couch/bed.  He is really good at it too.  The moment I get up to use the restroom he runs to me and says "sit Mommy, no more hospital!" and practically pushed me back to the bed/couch.  Then he goes and tells Daddy that "me make Mommy sit down Daddy!".

I wish I had the video camera with me when Liam got home.  We did not tell Liam that I was coming home today.  Joey went and picked Liam up early from school this afternoon so I could be with him before Bobbee came by to get him (Joey has to work tonight and I cannot watch Liam by myself).  Liam and Joey walk in and Liam immediately goes to his train (it goes around the bottom of the Christmas Tree) and starts to play with it.  He has no clue that I am sitting 5 feet away from him on the couch.  Joey kept trying to get him to go to the couch but he wanted to play with his train.  Finally, Joey was able to convince Liam to go sit on the couch and take his shoes off.  Liam stood up and turned around and man did his eyes get HUGE.  Next thing I know he is yelling "MOMMY HOME!" and practically hurdles the couch to get to me =)  For the rest of the afternoon he kept asking me "Mommy no more hospital?", "Mommy stay home with me and Daddy?".  The poor thing looked so unsure each time he asked.  I think it will take him a while to believe that I am really home.

So from here until I'm 35 weeks I will see Dr. Watkins every two weeks for a checkup and a sono to measure my cervix.  One I hit 35 weeks, I will see her every week until Cortlandt comes.  If I start having pressure again and/or my cervix begins to measure funny and/or I start to dilate more, I will be re-evaluated and possibly put back into the hospital.  So prayers and fingers crossed that I stay like I am for a all the way to 36 weeks, which is my goal.

THANK YOU again for all the prayers!  Believe me they are working and me being able to come home is proof of that!

HUGS and LOVE!!!



  1. Yea!!! I'm so happy you are home. Please, please really do what you are suppose to do, which is basically nothing. Everything else will wait. Enjoy your special time with Liam of just sitting and watching him and reading to him lots. These special moments will be gone in a flash. He's only 3 once you know. Merry Christmas!!!

  2. Sweet! Home again home again! SO happy for you and your family.

    BTW, I saw your mom and Liam at Target the other day! I of course wouldn't have known them except for FB and your blog. Liam is so cute! I didn't say hi or anything but if you're mom remembers a girl with a goofy grin staring at her and Liam at the was me!

    Take care of yourself!
