Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 43 - 31 wks, 4 days - Dr. Update...All is GOOD and some GREAT NEWS!!!

It feels SOOOO good to say that I am stable!!!  I love that word, "stable".  I seem to go from stable, to not stable, to stable again.  But hey, I will take the word "stable" now =) 

The doctor's appointment was very uneventful, the most uneventful since the whole bed rest thing started 6 weeks ago today.  Sono of cervix looks good and is holding strong at 2.5 cent.  They decided to not do a sono of Cortlandt since she is measuring right on schedule.  Great that she is on schedule, but boo for not being able to see her.  Dr. Watkins then saw me and I am still holding at 1 cent dilated which is great.  She made the comment that Cortlandt is still low, but obviously bed rest is keeping my cervix from dilating more, which is the whole point.  Since everything looked so good she decided to not do an FFN test this time, but she will do it at my next appointment on Jan 14th.

The best news came at the very end of the appointment...if all stays good, as in cervix does not start to shrink too much and I don't dilate much more, there is a chance that at my 35 week appointment Dr. Watkins might release me to go back to work until Cortlandt comes =)  Now this is a HUGE maybe...but still, I sooooo did not see this coming and neither did Dr. Watkins.  Dr. Watkins' reasoning behind this is that once I get to 35 weeks needing to stop labor is not necessary.  So why not allow me to work for a week or two or three until Cortlandt comes =)  Who knows what will happen over the next 3 weeks, but just knowing there is a possibility, all be it small, that I might be able to go to work for a few weeks is amazing!!!  If I could get back into my classroom for even for a week, I would be soooo happy!  I left my classroom in a state of upheaval, not ready for the next week let alone a long-term sub.  So getting back into that room for a week or two would allow me to get a few things ready for my sub and my team and my kiddos.  Man, I would LOVE to see my kiddo's sweet faces again!!!  Plus, working for a few weeks would soooo help our bank account as well.

So THANK YOU for all those continued prayers and good thoughts!!!  Believe me, they are working and are very much appreciated!!!

Hugs and love!!!


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